Sunday, November 7, 2010


First of all, where did that picture of me come from!? Where were we and what were we doing?

So, Stv, Ali and I were sitting at Bruegger's when Ali had this great idea of rotating to each other's homes for a meal every other week. Then Stv had this great idea of starting a blog about it (and any other stories that bring laughter to a good meal!) and I had the great idea of kicking it off at my house. Besides, having people over is always a good motivator to clean, and it is time to clean!

With that, the first gathering will be this Monday evening, Nov. 8 at 6ish. I will be making Chalupa, which is a Mexican dish of sorts, it builds like a taco and feeds an army.

Here are some additional items that will be needed to build your it and claim it!
Big bag of corn chips-as in Fritos (NOT torilla chips)
Fresh tomatoes-chopped
Black olives-chopped
Sour cream
Shredded chedder cheese

None of these items are needed to start cooking, they are just the toppings, however, all the toppings are needed to fully experience the dish.
Reply to this post if you are coming and what you are bringing.
Come hungry, see you Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Well I finally figured out how to sign in to this thing.

    I start clinicals tomorrow on the cardio floor of Rose Medical Center tomorrow. Since I will not be getting out of the hospital until my shift ends at 7:30pm and then I have to be there at 6:45am again on Tuesday, I must decline the invite. John is out as well as he is working late.

    I cannot wait until I stop drowning in homework so I can hang out again. Until that point, call John.
